Salesforce Marketing Cloud

Salesforce Marketing Cloud

Salesforce Marketing Cloud and Journeys

Salesforce Marketing Cloud provides integrated solutions for customer journey management, email, mobile, social, web personalization, advertising, content creation and management, and data analysis. With Marketing Cloud, businesses gain a personalized experience and a 360-degree view of each customer.

With customer engagement at the heart of marketing, JourneyBuilder serves as a tool to customize interactions based on customer needs and preferences.

Journey Builder for Salesforce Marketing Cloud

Journey Builder can be used to create and manage a variety of responsive, automated, and multi-channel marketing campaigns. It uses the audience (audiences from Google Analytics 360 can also be added) and content already available in Marketing Cloud (EmailStudio, Content Builder, Contact Builder among others). It also provides advanced analytics and performance tracking for step by step marketing modules. Seamless integration with Salesforce Sales and Service Cloud ensures that data is fed to the CRM in real time.

Creating Customer Journeys

Journeys start with an entry source (target audience) which could be a data extension within Marketing Cloud. For instance, to begin anew marketing campaign, contacts can be added to a data extension, which would serve as the entry source.Typically, messaging activities include push notifications and emails.

In built flow controls can be used to check if customers opened/clicked on links within the message or whether the email bounced(achieved by adding an ‘Engagement Split’ activity to the Journey).

Contacts can either exit the journey or be sent reminders on the next day as shown in the figure below.Journey Builder can be used to create and manage a variety of responsive, automated, and multi-channel marketing campaigns. It uses the audience (audiences from Google Analytics 360 can also be added) and content already available in Marketing Cloud (EmailStudio, Content Builder, Contact Builder among others). It also provides advanced analytics and performance tracking for step by step marketing modules. Seamless integration with Salesforce Sales and Service Cloud ensures that data is fed to the CRM in real time.

Creating Customer JourneysJourney Builder for Salesforce Marketing CloudSalesforce Marketing Cloud and Journeys. Contacts can either exit the journey or be sent reminders on thenext day as shown in the figure below.


Journeys can be scheduled to run at fixed intervals — new contacts fed into backend entry sources are picked up by Journey Builder and enter the marketing flow automatically.Various flow control options in journeys such as ‘Wait by Duration ’and ‘Wait Until Date’ are self suggesting. Other options such as‘Decision Splits’ can be used to split the journey path based on predefined filters. A typical use case would be to segregate ‘customers who abandoned a purchase’ from those who ‘did not engage actively’. These groups can be re-engaged using custom notifications.

Random splits can be used to separate contacts into multiple groups. Distribution for each path can be set as required and used for testing multiple versions of the same content. Journey Analytics can be used to identify which version drives greater sales.Goals (one per Journey) can be defined by creating filters on contact data. A journey evaluates contact data against filters set.Goals can ac


Goals (one per Journey) can be defined by creating filters on contact data. A journey evaluates contact data against filters set. Goals can act as exit criteria to remove customers who no longer fit into the journey’s purpose. Journeys can also update Salesforce data — inbuilt activities such as account activity, campaign member activity, and convert Lead activity are available. These together with Sales and Service Cloud activities can be used to update Salesforce data so that campaign-related information in the CRM stays current.

Each journey has to be validated to ensure components are configured properly. Journeys (except Single-Send ones) have a test feature which can be leveraged to ensure that they work as expected by simulating actual behavior. The ‘Journey History’ feature can be used to get information about a specific contact, journey, or its version. Marketing teams can also understand where a contact is in a journey, the path they took and so on. Journey Analytics, powered byGoogle Analytics 360, helps in tracking campaign effectiveness.

Tools such as Journey Builder help marketers create engaging customer experiences with data-driven and personalized messages.